At the conclusion of Pennsic 44 (Aug 10, 2015), the Chirurgeonate ceased to exist as an official office of the SCA. In true Chirurgeon Spirit, we continue to serve the Populace as an independent Guild. Chirurgeons' Point will continue to provide educational information pertaining to the provision of first aid in the SCA.


On Hydration posted Aug 2015

On Concussions posted Dec '04

On the Proper Use of Gloves - Protect yourself and your patients!

Ticks: The Scourge of the Woodlands. Article aimed at the general populace, suitable for newsletters
Physical Conditioning
Fighter's Bill of Rights
Medical ID Cards
Heat: The Enemy
Wound Care

-->The above articles were written by Galen of Ockahm (MKA Keith E. Brandt, M.D.) and may be reprinted in SCA newsletters and publications without prior permission. For other use, please contact the author. Please give credit where credit is due.

All Stings Considered - Excellent article on spider (non) bites by Conal Mac Nachtan link added Oct '08

Armor Extrication - by Od Žorgestsson Skallagrimssonar posted Oct '08

On Service  - An extremely inspirational personal narriative by Padraig o Connell - a "must read"!

Lifting Tips - by Lady Serian

Hand Washing by Lady Gwyneth MacDonagh and Baroness Kristin Ailbe Anmclaid


Al-QanunThe Chirurgeon's Newsletter

Back Issues
Summer 2005

Spring 2005
Winter 2004
[quill]Galen of Ockham, OP, OL, MC

Galen was Here